I'll Make You Famous…




Lena Dunham Celebrates Becoming a Man of the Day

I literally just gagged looking at this, and it is not because I am a teen girl and being on trend when I say “I literally just gagged”….you know culturally appropriating the word literally and giving it new meaning but not getting stomped out by the Social Justice Warriors, who look a lot like Lena Dunham and who should be stomped out….cuz they look like this troll shit and instead of hiding behind the scenes, they get naked and on camera like how the fuck did that confidence happen, why the fuck did that activism no one wants other than other fat girls, how the hell is this empowerment when it’s more just a spoiled rich kid putting shit out there because she’s spoiled…

It’s fucking wrong….it’s fucking disgusting…and I don’t understand how Lena Dunham isn’t banned from fucking EVERYTHING…..

I don’t understand how the world has allowed her to exist…

I don’t know why a bitch would be celebrating the removal of her uterus to celebrate her transition into being more of a man with her fucking fat rolls hanging out….

Why is this accepted by the masses, when so much more is not accepted that is far better looking.

I am posting this because I want you to feel my pain from having seen this garbage of a garbage person.

Thank god she can’t reproduce.

The only good thing about this nude is knowing she can’t reproduce.


Posted in:Lena Dunham