I'll Make You Famous…




Danni Minogue’s Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Danni Minogue is Kylie Minogue’s sister who never got quite as famous, always in the shadow, who never had breast cancer, but who probably could have had a great career in porn, partially thanks to her breast implants, but I guess life just didn’t work out that way for her, and instead she models shit, and is now posting pics that clearly she finds hot of herself in Barbados in a bikini, that I am totally into looking at, not because I know who Danni Minogue is, but because I like bikinis on anyone, especially Australians, whether they are famous or have famous siblings or not. I mean this whole self produced bikini photoshoot is promising to me, a sign that if other people won’t take pics of her in a bikini, she’s do it for her fucking self, which is the attention craving gateway to sex tape. I am into it.

Posted in:Danni Minogue