I'll Make You Famous…




Dani Doll is a Little Too Vintage to Not Be Lame and Trying Too Hard of the Day

I don’t know who Dani Doll is, but it sounds like a familiar name that other cam girls have probably used over the years…or maybe she’s a SUICIDE GIRL…either way, I doubt she’s famous and I’m not about to look it up, I am stealing wifi and don’t have much battery left….and I realize no one reads this shit.

I will say, what I said in the title, which is that this is a Little Too Vintage to Not Be Lame. A little too vintage to not seem like she’s Trying Too Hard…

They put this together thinking it would be so cool, a throwback, real 70s vibe erotica…

They ended up with an overproduced, too much effort went into this for it to be cool….pile of shit.

It’s safe to say that people, even girls who get naked…can be lame…

It’s just good to know that they are naked…it offsets and balances out that lameness…

Posted in:Dani Doll