Margarita Levieva is on Jame’s Franco’s 70s porno show that I don’t watch because he plays twins and that always offends me…but there is nudity on it, if you’re into that sort of perverse thing thanks to giving up on GOD and turning to PORN……
She was born in 1980, so she’s old as shit, turning 40 which is 100 in Bitch years…..but thanks to being Russian from the 80s, in the depth or final days of communism, she may have memories of the rationed breadlines, or not having Toilet paper in her cold water flats….and that builds the kind of character I like in a woman, trauma, that you can just show a picture of that era to, and she goes into FLASHBACK mode, thanks to the TRAUMA, keeping her well behaved….
They say she was a competitive gymnast before going on to star in the films The Invisible, Adventureland, and Spread….I am assuming she started in Soviety Russia, where they saw her and said “not ugly enough to kill off or to train to work in the mines” in hopes they die off so as a country theye only have the hottest soulless manipulativ (russian for mannipulative) women who get what they want out of dumb men….and I guess it worked…cuz for 40…this is pretty good.

Posted in:Margarita Levieva