The best thing about this video is that I heard Vanessa Hudgens mom in the background and I was like “Holy Shit, Vanessa Hudgens is a Filipino”….
I may have already known that about the High School Musical starlet who is now in her 30s and no longer a Disney kid, yet branded Disney forever. It’s what happens when you sell your soul to the devil you know.
I just didn’t realize that her mom was full PILL-O-PINO….I find the whole thing hilarious, only because in Canada, there are so many of these Filipino’s working at Old Folks home, in healthcare, making salads, as nanny’s to the rich kids…but most importantly the mail order brides.
I know at least 10 stories of husbands knocking up the filipino cleaning lady or nanny like they were Schwarzenegger. I always laugh when someone I know is like “Heading to the Philippines to buy some property for my girlfriend and her family”…..
That’s not to say that Filipino girls aren’t hot, or are hood or ghetto. I was just overly excited when I saw /heard Hudgens mom’s Manilla DRAWL….and I am not quite sure why…but I like it.
Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens