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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Medical Worker Monday is the most wonderful day of the week?

I guess now that there is a vaccine for COVID and since BIDEN won, there’s no more COVID, so we can go back to not giving a fuck about medical workers and we can stop calling them frontline workers, in what was some media hype and sensationalizing if I’ve ever seen that..they aren’t on any Frontline…that’s just an angle to make you think shit is a warzone when really it’s just a FLU zone….

Clearly, all that honk for nurses, put up signs for nurses, isn’t enough for nurses because they are out here getting naked for attention on the internet…but I guess that could be a product of a few things….the first possibility is that they are trying to plan for when no one cares about nurses again, so get those followers in when your profession matters on a national level….the second is that they are just so stressed that masturbating or being masturbated to which leads to masturbating is this amazing release for them….exhibitionist shit….or maybe they always post their nudes for attention because that’s just the kind of ladies they are…the whole COVID thing is irrelevant in their quest to ONLY FAN…

I guess none of that matters, because they put out this scrubs / nurse fetish shit that is gross to me, since I avoid people in scrubs and always have, knowing they are immersed in sickness all day….

Longgone are the days of “sexy nurse” outfits….but instead we get illfitting pajamas you’d expect to see lesbians on a hike wearing….which isn’t so hot, until you can see their full assholes…

Posted in:NURSES