When I make fun of celebrities who do the whole bikini selfies to steal attention from the common slut, the low level slut, the girl with her only fans just trying to make it, because not everyone has celebrity or can be celebrities….not because of a lack of talent, since most of these people have no talent, but maybe a lack of access, life circumstances, etc.
Basically, what has happened is that the powerful Hollywood entertainment industry didn’t like that the everyday people were getting action on social media, since they didn’t get to control it. They didn’t like that nobodies were pulling brand deals, because every dollar from a Skinny Tea brand that goes to a sugar baby building up her escorting profile as an “influencer” not a sex worker, is a dollar out of their pockets….so the only way to compete is fight fire with fire…..sign the ones already too big to destroy and destroy the ones that aren’t….by replacing them with real celebs….you know control who you jerk off to as they do….
But when LeAnn Rimes does it, it’s more the bottom feeder trying to remind you she exists, than the celebrity moving in on the turf of the bottom feeders trying to get ahead.
That’s not to say that LeAnn Rimes isn’t famous or a talented singer, or that she doesn’t have that loyal country music fan base despite her being a homewrecker…it’s to say that she does appearances at obscure casinos and old folks retirement communities and not the Hollywoood Bowl…so her swimsuit pics are more a “maybe I’ll get some more attention so that I can get a Vegas Residence instead of a three day show in Biloxi Mississppi”….
She’s got fake tits, it was part of her homewrecking procedures, so she might as well use em.

Posted in:Leann Rimes