I'll Make You Famous…




Brighton Sharbino in Bikinis of the Day

I never watched Walking Dead, I don’t subscribe to shitty popular TV shows, even if I am into the whole zombie thing, I just feel like we live amongst a bunch of zombies, so why bother watching some TV show about it….I see them when I leave the fucking house daily…

I know that they have a loyal Comic Con fan base, you know people who line up to listen to the staff speak about the show, how fucking boring, get a fucking hobby you nerd fuck….

So in having a loyal comic con fan base….this is one of the girls they probably fucking love…which could be seen as creepy, since she’s only 18 and I feel like that show’s 10 years in production….but anyway…her name is Brighton Sharbino, she plays Lizzie Samuels…

She’s currently in a re-brand, you know, to get more work, because if you’re not some instagram half naked plastic filtered fake half naked slut on social media, you don’t matter.

I will say that this is definitely a great direction to take her career, far better than being chased by Zombies, just hot photoshoots for social media because if you’re anyone you need that instagram to connect with fans otherwise you don’t exist…

Here’s her bikini shoot, where she looks like she’s a 35 year old Kardashian….

Posted in:Brighton Sharbino