Vanessa Hudgens is apparently into Witch Craft, because all of these famous people are occultist weirdos who worship the wrong god, it happens when you sell your soul to evil for personal gain, but they seem to have fun with it, which I guess is what life’s about, hence the turn on religion and embracing of evil at all levels of society, because why the fuck not, and as degenerate I don’t care, I’ve done my share of horrible self destructive godless shit, it just seems less creepy when it’s some low life broke ass near homeless failure, than an orchestrated cult all these idiots are a part of, that look down on us, while taking our money and our attention…
Since she’s into Witch Craft, we call her tits Witch Tits, but they’re probably just aftermarket tits….not quite as impressive as casting spells and flying on brooms before eating babies…..
She hosted some Vogue livestream, because she’s back, the pandemic, like for so many rich people, are now so much richer while the rest of us suckers are far worse off…..and in being some out of touch, diluted, not reading the room on COVID restrictions we’ve all be subject to, while they all walk around normally thanks to being supreme humans according to the powers that be, since they push all the messaging their handlers tell them to….I mean it takes work being a Disney Kid….
While hosting the Vogue livestream, she interviewed Hailey Bieber about eating Pizza, which to anyone who knows, Pizza is some pervert rich person conspiracy that’s known enough that you probably wouldn’t talk about pizza if you were rich and famous, unless you were doing it on purpose as part of their universal law of disclosure….
I know, Pizza, such an innocent food, just not at some satanic ritual disguised as a fashion event.
The point is, satanists or not, these people are horrible, but I still look at their tits, witch tits, after market tits, any tits….

Big Met Gala Picture Round-UP
Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens