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Vanessa Hudgens is Looking Old with her Tits Out of the Day

I don’t know how old Vanessa Hudgens is and I am not google or wikipedia, so I’m not going to look it up, I just use my old lady radar that when an lady turns too old, sirens go off, like I can smell their menopause brewing through their social media pics, and no matter how many fillers they get, or how hard they try to look like a gutter stripper or porn chick or REAL HOUSEWIFE OF BEvERLY HILLS, because that’s what they all look like, their progressive rot just can’t be masked….it’s like when you kill a hooker, but don’t dispose of the body because you don’t want to get caught or miss out on the fun of having a real life FLESHLIGHT…at a certain point, no matter how much lacquer or shellac you put on the fucking thing, it’s going to get rank and fall apart…we can live this fantasy or dream, where they all basically end up looking like Trannies living their best girl boss life, but THEY can’t fake it…..

Hudgens is getting to that point, but at least she’s using her tits, possibly after market tits to offset the impending END.

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens