I'll Make You Famous…




Rachel Bilson Doesn’t Like Being Fucked From Behind of the Day

Rachel Bilson or Summer from the OC, which is basically where we all fell in love with her, since that show was arguably the best thing on TV, a timeless classic, and I’ve even revisited it and Bilson is as hot as I remember and the show as relevant and worth watching as it was back then.

Sure, I used the intel from the show to connect with college girls where I would drink for cheap and try to fuck….but it was still a great show….

Anyway, I read an article, barely, I don’t know how to read….call 1-800-ABCDEFG or some shit….but IT WORKED FOR ME…..and in said article, Summer who is not 45 said she didn’t cum since she was 38, which is fucking weird…..but all girls who have sex with me don’t cum, THE DRYNESS CAUSES FRICTION SO I CAN FEEL…..so I get how that can happen, even though girls who do cum don’t really understand why you’d have sex if you can’t cum, and really what’s wrong with you psychologically if you don’t know how to cum, not even from jerking your clit of like you’re trying to get a spider off your leg….or like you have parkinsons or epilepsy…you know with panic and vigor….

Anyway…she went onto say she likes being fucked missionary, because she’s lazy and likes dudes doing all the work, but she packaged it as “I like being fucking manhandled”….my god Summer, menopause has got you racy…..then she said she likes being on top, now that she knows how to cum, that’s how she does it…and her least favorite is doggy, because the big dicks she fucks, she’s Summer, why would she fuck Small dicks….HURT….and not in a HURT SO GOOD way…

All this to say, this intel would be far more exciting 20 fucking year ago…..

Posted in:Rachel Bilson