Titty DROPS…which are generally not an accidental tit falling out of a shirt when a woman is bending over to get you a coffee or to serve you at the diner, but it happens…
These Titty Drops, are more of a scripted tribute to that, a little performative, but not in an annoying way like actual theatre, which is gay as shit….or even stand up comedy, which people seem really excited to experience from a bunch of losers who just drop the same jokes in different cities, over and over again, like fucking groundhog day and not in a good way, because it’s lazy and boring…no matter how well paid they are…
Titty Drops are a better kind of scripted, even if practiced in front of the mirror many times before releasing them to the world….
Here are those titty drops….that aren’t an OOPS, but are more a “imagine this was an accidental flash”….it’s good.
Posted in:Titty Drop