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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t really care about the sexually misconduct charges that come out every day, but none of the people accused of sexual misconduct really inspire, excite or motivate me… I know dudes are creepers, horny fucking pigs, and when given the right opportunity from women who are only with them to get ahead, even if […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Halloween is happening – and all the annoying suburbian parents are having the cutest time – looking at their shitty kids…and all the creepy Kevin Spaceys out there are testing up the booby traps they’ve set up in their front entrance way that sends the kids coming for candy straight down his slide into the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent my afternoon watching a girl in white shorts jogging around a track…in circles…running by me…..away from me and back to me….and she was free bleeding.. I thought it was an injury and I was invested in our relationship based on the boner i was rocking, you know we had sex three or four […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in a world where the Boy Scouts let in Girls, but do the Girl Scouts let in dudes, unfortunately I know a few pervert drunkards who would get up on that….for the cookies…obviously… We live in a world where I get called an old creep all the time…by so many people yet there […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I like to reduce most women to their vaginas, but not in a malicious way, in a you’re annoying, but I’m sure your vagina is cute kind of way, if anything it gives girls a second chance, and the freedom to be zero charming, zero interesting, zero intelligent, zero fun, fully annoying, intolerable, even bigoted […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s one of those days where the girl you sext, you know the nudist girl seeking validation via her asshole pics – gets a boyfriend or turns lesbian or trans and no longer seeks validation for her asshole pics – but instead want you to promote her gofundme page to help her became a man, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

My favorite thing about cameltoe…is staring at it…so intensely…the person with the cameltoe feels my eyes burning a hole through her leggings…allowing me to see exactly what her pussyhole looks like, so that I can make eye contact, despite the aspergers and smile….you know as a thank you for your legging filled twat…you kind soul…we […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of the day wasn’t being exposed to countless young, probably too young, probably high school or first year college girls in short skirts, short shorts, tight pants, sheer tops wandering around the park after school…all hormone in the food jacked up…confusing me as to what I was looking at… The highlight of my […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My wife always gets mad at me when I tell her about the girls I try to fuck on tinder, or that I end up staring at inappropriately at the grocery store because they are wearing really short shorts that reveal their assholes, or really tight pants that reveal how much of their clit sticks […]




stepLINKS of the Day

No one cares about my magical day of sexting, tinder matches, and the fact that not one person sent me a butthole pic – despite asking…over and over and over again…thinking that persistence is the key to happiness…but ALSO…the key to getting arrested for being a creepy stalker… Saying things like “YOU aren’t SOMETHING…you are […]