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stepLINKS of the Day

Offering a whining girl protesting the American President pulling the plug on funding abortion – an abortion – the next time she needs one – because I can get a straw….and I am willing to spend all the time it takes sucking it out…will not get you laid, will not impress them, and will make […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like to tell girls that they are my viagra, when staring in their eyes and grabbing myself while licking my licks, as I wait in line for a Starbuck Pumpkin Spice Latte…especially when the girl in front of me, ordering the most obnoxious and pretentious drink you can order, because she’s a spoiled cunt […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Friday the 13th and I’m pretty happy no one on social media made reference to it… MY new favorite thing to text random girls I’ve never hooked up with is: “Sometimes, I just want to cum on my chest thinking about that time you sucked my cock”…. Following up with: “Sorry autocorrect”…. I also […]




Morning Hangover Drunk of the Day

I would say I’m late at these stepLINKS, which is better than being late on my period, but that’s only because I spent the better part of the morning washing the whore juice off me… I guess I should do my stepLINKS in the morning – even though nothing in this life actually matters and […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Nothing says “let’s celebrate the resurrection of your son of god” like a good old fashioned smoked ham, some carrot cake, and a day of hiding colorful eggs around the house, to brianwash children with sugar into believing the lie…it’s actually not based on early Christianity, but more on the tactic used by priests to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

David Bowie’s album is number 1. Hopefully most pop acts try the same strategy after their album release…. So I was hanging with a girl who gave me zero fucking boners. Which is rare because even my Spaghetti Squash we’re eating instead of pasta gives me a fucking boner when I cut it open to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

David Bowie’s album is number 1. Hopefully most pop acts try the same strategy after their album release…. So I was hanging with a girl who gave me zero fucking boners. Which is rare because even my Spaghetti Squash we’re eating instead of pasta gives me a fucking boner when I cut it open to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

#blackfriday lives matter – but not really….because anyone willing to go to war over a deal on a TV…probably deserves to die in battle… Here is a black friday shopper for the fallen soldiers of consumption… I wonder how no one realizes that all that matters is tits… I guess it’s over now…give thanks for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Bacon causes cancer – so does eating pussy…I won’t quit either, but let’s hope it gets all those bacon loving frat boys who talk about bacon all the time and make meme’s about the shit…because bacon isn’t that exciting, it’s not even a good punchline to a joke “Because #bacon”…and all things bacon…like the dead […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Nightmares are still dreams….and most of the girls are nightmares…so I like to refer to them as dream girls…really terrible, haunting…dream girls… The highlight of the day was when a young new feminist posted a ” how to eat pussy guide”…because “boys are stupid”….in this rape culture world….So I pretended her confidence in posting that…gave […]