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stepLINKS of the Day

I should have been a drug dealer, a pimp, a stripper manager, even a strip club DJ, NEXT UP THE LOVELY AMANDA, maybe a pornographer, anything but a dude who writes a blog that no one reads, probably never read, because who the fuck reads! I don’t read websites, that shit hurts my eyes, I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In a world of oversharing, overhyping yourself, I mean I come across people on social media and it’s just all this self promotion, no one saying they suck at life, everyone saying how great they are and how everyone else sucks at life, pretending their bullshit coddled existence is some struggler or that they’ve overcome […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just spent about 20 minutes or more watching a dad taking pics of his grown, adult daughter, in the park…but not your average pics of his daughter, more the social media THOT pics of his daughter….and it was fucking weird but I guess they all want in on that TITTY AND ASS on the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Since everyone’s a nazi, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, racist…why do they bother trying to fight it… You can’t make everyone happy..especially angry people on the internet who may not even be real…so I wonder why everyone always tries to apologize…. You can never be WOKE enough, there will always be another MILITANT WOKE person to be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wish you a weekend filled with ignorance because ignorance is bliss….ignorance when it comes to all the outrage, all the woke shit, all the covid shit, all the girls trying to get you to pay them to get naked when you know they woulda been doing it for free if it wasn’t for that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…even for poor people…so I sure as fuck hope you’re with family, drunk on eggnog and good will towards men, while hating your family or dealing with repressed childhood memories that only come up this time of year….and that the COVID police trying to take your religious celebrations […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Christmas Eve Ever…and today i googled what does a yeast infection smell like, like I couldn’t do a blind taste test and determine the strains, country of origin and vintage of said yeast….you know, I’ve been around candida……but it’s the holidays so let’s get fancy… The only thing good about social media is watching […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The most important debate going on right now, even amidst the handling of the covid crisis and the upcoming election, two things that keep people divided like the government wants, you know “Divide and Conquer”…. Is whether the girls promoting their only fans that you should never pay for, I repeat never pay for, they […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I assume the Cinco De Mayo hangover is a lot worse than previous Cinco De Mayo’s since most of you don’t have a job to go to today…meaning you can do what matters and drink it off all fucking day… I am still confused why the Sombrero is internationally recognized and RACE-PROOF. Meaning if I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

the funny thing about nude modeling for those subscription sites is that it is now a competitive place – what was once the rare unicorn getting naked for money or for the fans has become thousands of girls trying to get in on that easy money. So all these girls are fighting or struggling for […]