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stepLINKS of the Day

People are all mad about this meme or photoshoot going around that reads “People Get Their Periods” and the people who get their periods are a bunch of chicks with zipper tits who identify as dudes with uteruses. I’m over here all excited that all these chicks got their titties out like it’s Page 3…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today is the best day ever…. I just think when you live in the present, be present, because the present is a preset from the overlords in this simulation….the past is done, the future hasn’t happened, it may never, so just enjoy the present that is the present in the present since everyone loves presents….especially […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving so I’ll be looking for lonely sad women with no families to stuff like a turkey, you know give them something to be thankful for, not the stuffing, but the leaving after the stuffing, since I’m pretty disappointing! Here’s to colonialism and the taxation system that keeps us enslaved instead of living […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I watched Blonde, it was a piece of shit, I don’t care if you’re an empty motherfucker trying to find some sort of art, who confused the imagery as being cinematically beuatiful and not corny as shit, or if you like Ana De Armas’ Cuban as fuck tits whispering in her best MK Ultra voice, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

A nerdy friend of mine who I’ve known for over 20 years has committed to this story about a girl in his High School who used to fuck individually wrapped frozen high schools, and for 20 years I’ve been calling him out for being a liar, because everyone knows that maggot in the pussy from […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am out here preparing for the famine that they are normalizing in the media, this eat bugs, farmers being bought out, evil corporations buying up the food, buying up the farms, paying farmers to destroy their crop, charging crazy money for farm equipment, fertilizer and all that shit, the attack on beef, attack on […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When you factor in all the testosterone destroying chemicals in basically all our food, water and air, you gotta realize why everyone is a little bitch, they’ve bred us this way. I want to be one of those guys who thinks that everything is satanic, you know like the crazy Christian lady who just condemns […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny to see the two sides of society unfolding… You’ve got the basic normies, who have always been around, they are the masses they buy into whatever they are told and just keep on buying into what they are told to buy into, making a lot of people rich, while maintaining a level […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s summer, a heat wave in most places because of that whole manufactured Global Warming scam, that people like to think is all their fault, because they use plastic straws and drive gas vehicles, forgetting that the big companies that make those things, are more likely the problem, but blame the everyday man, ourselves, each […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People are freaking out about the market, the inflation, the economy, the crypto, the crash, the collapse of the currency, the mass desperation, food shortages, zombie apocalypse where we’ll be trying to each each other’s brains……but when you have no money, make no money, and mooch off a fat wife….and her disability check….you don’t worry […]