I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Nicole Richie Bikini Pics of the Day


I don’t know why everyone gave this whore so much attention this year. Who cares if was skinny and starving herself. Who cares if her uterus is taped in place to prevent it from falling out of her twat. There are anorexic girls around the fucking world who no one pays attention to, even though they are 10 times hotter than Riche, which isn’t hard considering she looks like a dumpster.

I wonder what type of girl she is because she only dates the biggest fucking losers in the world and there has to be a reason for that. Dude from Good Charlotte got a ton of tattoos to pretend he’s a rockstar when he’s obviously a suburban piece of shit from a good home, I wouldn’t be surprised if his tat’s were temporary in the event he ever wanted to become a dentist like his dad always wanted. If they aren’t, that’s too bad, because they are fucking lame, hiring someone to paint them on him seems like something a rich loser would do…. The tanning salon near my house offers temporary tattoos and I am waiting for my big break so that I can get a temporary tattoo of a cunt on my forehead…and that cunt will be Richie’s last boyfriend, DJ AM, some twat who wanted to be a DJ so he got Technics tattooed on his arm and taught himself how to scratch….

All this to say I had something good to write about today but I completely forgot while I did that little ramble…so here are the Richie pics..I am not even going to post the pics of him doing the Karate Kid Kick and Her Laughing at it because it’s too fucking easy….

The HQ Pics can be found GO , I shoulda thought about that before taking an hour to upload all of them…fuckers…

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