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CNN Kyra Phillips Drops the C-Bomb on Air of the Day

Some CNN reporter called some Republican Strategist a cunt-cunt-tributror and didn’t get fired because she was crafty about it. You should take her lead and use the same passive aggressive stutter in your everyday life, you know to the girl who is slow on bringing you your coffee, or your asshole boss who just rubs you the wrong way and you are fed up with but can’t quit because you need to money to pay for you action figure collection, or even your domineering wife, who pretty much owns you and would beat you up if you called her cunt outright and who you want to have divorce you but who you are scared to be alone, because Kyra Phillips a CNN proves that it’s the bullet-proof, no consequence way to tell someone you don’t like them. I am a firm believer in just punching them in the face, throwing feces at them, tearing them apart from their insecurities up or posting nude pictures you buy off their boyfriend on the internet to really let a person know they rub you the wrong way, but it’s never really got me ahead, so maybe her lead is a better one to follow.

Posted in:CNN|Cunt|Kyra Phillips