I'll Make You Famous…




Sienna Miller Dressed like a Little Kid in her Onsie of the Day

I have a feeling you like your women dressed like a 2 year old, mainly because the only women you could score would have to have serious retardation, like the kind of retardation that leaves them unable to walk, talk or control their shitting, a bitch who just smiles and drools when you carry her from her room to the basement in your mom’s house, because you know that sister or not, she’s still got a pussy, a pussy that can’t tell on you when you get caught nude in bed together, because you can just blame it on sleep walking from your room next door, and everyone will believe you cuz everyone knows that no one wants to slam a severly retarded pserson, especially when they are related….you think you have it all figured out don’t you?

So you’ll probably like these pictures of Sienna Miller in a onsie like she’s trying to be stylish and seasional, when she really just has the dirtiest pussy around that we all know she’s trying to air the fuck out cuz scabs don’t dry up alone…..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Onsie|Sienna Miller