I'll Make You Famous…




Amber Rose Staged Nude Pics for Attention of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Amber Rose and either should you. She’s beyond a bottom feeder who has zero relevance in the world, other than being the thick bitch who Kanye carted around for a while….She is not famous, doesn’t deserve to be famous, and isn’t even very hot. Her big pancake nipples, a tribute to her distant black relatives who were on the box of Aunt Jamima just dont make me want to fuck it, but rather throw it in a ditch and hope it never wakes up.

She’s trying to launch a reality show career, this is her way of getting attention, I hate that I posted it, but when I saw 200,000 people saw it already, I figured the 15 I send isn’t gonna impact stopping her career and making the world forget she ever existed. Because I’m just as irrelevant….

This is definitely an inside job, but you see big shit stained nipple anyway, and that’s good enough for all of us, cuz we’re bored.

Posted in:Amber Rose