I'll Make You Famous…




Amanda Seyfried Showing Some Tit for Letterman of the Day

I am a huge fan of Amanda Seyfried ….

I will keep endorsing her until she starts doing more mature roles again, cuz more mature roles usually involve her Stripping …..

What I love about her is that she does these fluffy bullshit Disney shit….but balances it out with legit roles where she gets naked…and a willingness to get naked allows me to ignore her laziness for the paparazzi…if anything it makes me like her more cuz it makes me feel like she knows she doesn’t need to get dolled up or in a bikini like a Kardashian clown and people will talk…cuz she is probably the hottest piece in Hollywood….

It’s kinda refreshing….frustrating…but refreshing…cuz if there is one thing I hate…it’s these fame hungry cunts and their tacky fucking behavior…

Hollywood needs to be Glammed up again…the trash needs to disappear..I’m starting a campaign…and this bitch is my unofficial spokesperson…too bad she’s so awkward….but still so hot…confusing….

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried