I'll Make You Famous…




Blake Lively Just Got Fucked of the Day

Blake’s Lively’s vagina likes to work the scene. She bounces from one cock to another like a little whore trying to get by…So now that she’s done with Leonardo DiCaprio, she’s moved onto Scarlett Johannson’s ex husband, who I am not even sure she’s officially divorced, and these are pictures of her leaving his hotel room in the morning, so unlike a common whore, she actually went in with a change of clothes, and he leaves with her, instead of sneaking her out at 5 am before anyone is really awake. I’m sure that makes her feel good about giving up her pussy, you know all self-respectful as she fills her void through fucking….

If you’re like me and love the walk of shame, even if it isn’t shameful, because girls who put out are awesome…here are the pics….

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