I'll Make You Famous…




Crystal Renn for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Crystal Renn is some eating disorder model who almost died of being anorexic, before deciding to milk her anorexia, by forgetting to be anorexic, gaining 70 lbs, and becoming a plus sized model, all for a publicity stunt, to get her jobs and make her money…

You know, social commentary on the state of the model industry on women, with their “unrealistic” expectations that I think are totally realistic, and are in fact the only reason she existed…by losing weight for work and gaining weight in protest…while people watched…

It all helped her sell books…

Now she has lost all the weight to become a regular sized model, which is what she always was, but she just got misguided for a bit….and she still gets work, even though that kind of acting up would be enough for me to fire her ass if I was her boss….

And luckily, a lot of her work happens in the Swimsuit edition, and now Harper’s Bazaar….

I am always a fan of bikini pics, even if the bikini pics are on old broken down skinny girl turned fat girl turned skinny girl again…

I’m just that kind of pervert…who likes to see a pussy attached to various states of insanity over the course of its pussy lifetime…..

Posted in:Crystal Renn