I'll Make You Famous…




Shailene Woodley in Some High Waisted Underwear of the Day

If you’re wondering why Shailene Woodley got kicked out of the new Spiderman Movie….it’s because of her high waisted panties.

I get the whole hipster, fashionista, not necessarily sexy, but retro thing that is going on, but I don’t really think a young actress trying to make it in Hollywood, being put up against sluts, like real hot sluts who don’t even wear underwear when they have photoshoots lined up, because they want to show just how committed they are to the job, I’m talking hotter, more talented and willing to get naked sluts…not in high waisted underwear like they are in their 50s…and you just picked them up at a wedding to fuck because weddings are romantic and make you willing to fuck anything with a pussy, even if that pussy is being kept in some weird as fuck tent kind of underwear to help hide her 3 pregnancies and menopause….but not on an up and comer…it’s so weird.

But not as weird as this bitch losing her weave like she was Beyonce…

Posted in:Shailene Woodley