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Archive for the Shailene Woodley Category




Shailene Woodley Topless of the Day

I’ve never found Shailene Woodley hot, appealing, interesting in any way!

I could be standing next to Shailene Woodley and I promise you I wouldn’t notice her, but if I did because someone told me it was her, I would tell you that I don’t find Shailene Woodley hot, appealing, intersting in anyway!

Now that I am looking at Shailene Woodley naked or topless in panties from some old clip that is circulating and that I’ll probably be asked to delete, I still don’t find Shailene Woodley hot, appealing, intersting in anyway, I mean besides as interested as I’d be in any topless chick, which based on my existence as a pervert, is PRETTY fucking high, meaning topless Shailene Woodley who I don’t find hot, appealing, interesting in any way, is topless and I find her hot, appealing, interesting in at least ONE way!


Posted in:Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Braless of the Day

Activist Shailene Woodley, who once protested CLIMATE CHANGE or the Oil Industry, getting arrested over pipelines and not for taking pipe, like most girls trying to become actors probably should be arrested for, you know it’s called prostitution ladies….even if it’s in the houses of industry leading producers.

Clearly, she’s very concerned with the environment sitting at some roof top patio in some place that could be California, but that is probably overseas, you know because flying jets doesn’t upset her – PIPELINES DO…..

These people are all full of shit, but the sting bikini and sloppy braless tits in a wife beater, while icing an injury that would probably make it hard for her to run from your romantic advances, the way you like it.


Posted in:Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Bikini of the Day

Shailene Woodley is some tall as shit activist actress who got arrested fighting for the environment because bitch hates oil pipelines, but clearly doesn’t hate getting pipe, because for a while she was fucking an NFL player, who we’ll assume has a penis along with his fat bank account.

As it turns out, the hippie activist who was totally misguided in hating oil pipelines is to blame for the high gas prices you’re feeling today…..but at least she’s got tits she’s willing to pull out in a bikini in what looks like the most ghetto and disgusting beach around, one of those kitty litter for the homeless, because I like my beaches to not look like inner city housing projects….and more like tropical vacation adventures….but I guess you can’t be some climate activist if you don’t get your feet in the mask, condom and heroin needle e.Coli sand.

I don’t know who her friend is, I just know they are not in the right position, since I’m not seeing any scissoring going on….which is really the only side by side, group buddy photo we need.

Shailene Woodley Bikini of the Day


Posted in:Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Sports Bra of the Day

shailene woodley Sports BRa

Shailene Woodley is out in Sports Bra showing some tit…or barely showing tit…becuase anyone on social media is by default a fetish model because dudes are jerking off to the content even if the intent is to show her untoned stomach.

This is some workout fetish, some sports bra fetish, some activewear like a mom at the grocery store before COVID fetish…maybe it’s a Shailene Woodley Fetish….even though she’s not remotely hot…

Then there’s the whole activist side of her, getting arrested for protesting oil piplelines or whatever else she’s into….

Boring….but I guess when you’re bored….you’ll watch anything.


Posted in:Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Tits of the Day

Shailene Woodley Tits

Shailene Woodley is saving the fucking world, one bikini pic at a time, because it is not sensational half nudity for attention when it comes with activism and a cause….

Her cause is cleaning up the ocean of single use plastics….her method is to skin dive to retrieve as much plastics as she can while the real method is to get that bikini pic….cuz bikini pics are really what it is about.

Generating attention to save the fucking world, even though all reports are that it’s too fucking late to bother, humanity will be extinct, we are gonna die – so I’m glad you’re sitting at work slaving away for the man in your final enough days…


Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Saving Oceans Erotica of the DAy

Stop Single Use Plastic for Shailene Woodley – the save the ocean from humans and their plastic and starting at home with your water bottles …it’s really going to make a difference….and if you do – this Shailene Woodley will show you her butink thole….it’s a small gesture to save the planet…but I don’t think that many perverts are really knocking down her door to see her butthole. I know there are weird Shailene Woodley fans out there who live for this bitch but I never met them and I am definitely not one…but I believe buttholes make for a good currency to pay people to do shit for you like stop drinking out of plastic bottles. She is a hero…at least I am sure she thinks she’s a hero and probably tells EVERYONE over and over again about her mission she is likely totally uneducated about because most of these activists are bullshit…


Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Pussy Dance of the Day

Shailene Woodley Pussy Dance

Shailene Woodley is still saving the oceans…one pussy dance at a time..

This is some weirdness weirding me out. A dance video featuring all of her bikini clad friends, set to some song that I guess is a trendy song…but that I’ve never heard before cuz I am old.

I assume that this is her TIKTOK as that is the new platform that matters on social media and it is th new platform for talent to rise to the top and end up on YOUTUBE making 100 million dollars a year…

Just a weirdly shot boat video – doing her activism of Plastics in the Ocean, despite the real enemy in the Plastics war is big business, not the public deciding to not use single use plastic…that’ll show them….since ocean pollution is made up of 1% single use plastic and 99% plastics from other industries….know your enemy people. But I get it – don’t buy anything with plastic, and convince everyone you know to do the same, and the world will still produce as much plastic, and put that plastic in everything, cuz the individual will always lose to big business. NOT TO MENTION…America is a big polluter and all, but there are many other countries producing their own pollution and basically we need to accept the world is going to implode – one plastic straw at a time.

All this to say, Shailene Woodley and her friends direct some pretty awkward and uncomfortable music videos.


Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Saving the Oceans of the Day

Shailene Woodley Saving the Oceans

Shailene Woodley is in the ocean with Green Peace picking up plastic.

I just hate her fucking face…..

I don’t even mind that she’s some hippie activist who is out there trying to save the oceans, or protest pipelines, as much as I hate the world, it’s really humanity that I hate, the world in and of itself is awesome, and disgusting humans are trashing it, so we need people like this to help save it..

But that face man….

I’ve watched her in the Big Little Lies show, I think it’s a Spinoff of Pretty Little Liars, you know when they grow up and kill their husbands….

I’ve watched her shipwrecked and sailing the world with her tits out in that other movie…

I even saw the movie she had cancer in…

That face just bothers me….

At least she’s in a bikini to offset that – I guess.

Save the fucking ocean, stop single use plastic, save the dolphins, do your part..or just look at her tits.

Shailene Woodley Saving the Oceans


Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Tits of the Day

Shailene Woodley is not hot.

I’ve seen her in person, boring.

I’ve seen her in movies, boring.

I’ve seen her in a TV show, boring.

She’s got some titty, but she’s 7 feet tall, so it’s not that impressive..and since I base my opinion of women on the quality of their genitals, but if I don’t see their genitals, I go to the next best thing which is either ass or tits, this Shailene is not that impressive.

What makes her even worse is that she’s an activist who got arrested for her activism…which means she thinks she is important or doing good work to save the world…and nothing more self righteous and annoying than that….it’s like she got into a movie where she’s got cancer and all of a sudden her celebrity, her voice and her opinion should be heard….like she’s got something to say…when she doesn’t…she’s a fucking actor not an educated, trained anything…maybe she should save the opinions for experts while sticking to titty pics/videos for IG…where she clearly feels at home doing…


Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley




Shailene Woodley Tits Out for Fashion of the Day

shailene woodley tits for fashion

Annoying activist Shailene Woodley, who I just assumed was a lesbian until she shocked us all with some athlete boyfriend who she was madly in love with, has her tits out for a magazine…not quite her tits out at the level we’d want them to be out…you know like in her movie where she played a sailing woman lost at sea….where there was at least one scene of her tits….I assume I posted that scene HERE….but there’s some cleavage, and to the virgin loser who visits a site like this, it’s safe to assume that is enough…

So when Shailene Woodley is not getting arrested protesting oil pipelines in North Dakota or whatever else she’s attached herself to…she’s out promoting herself as some kind of model…for the fans, the perverts, the people….and this is what that looks like..

shailene woodley tits for fashion

UPDATE – Didn’t feel like giving her a whole new post, cuz she’s boring, but she wore this outfit to a premiere last night and looked crazy….



Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley