Shailene Woodley is not hot.
I’ve seen her in person, boring.
I’ve seen her in movies, boring.
I’ve seen her in a TV show, boring.
She’s got some titty, but she’s 7 feet tall, so it’s not that impressive..and since I base my opinion of women on the quality of their genitals, but if I don’t see their genitals, I go to the next best thing which is either ass or tits, this Shailene is not that impressive.
What makes her even worse is that she’s an activist who got arrested for her activism…which means she thinks she is important or doing good work to save the world…and nothing more self righteous and annoying than that….it’s like she got into a movie where she’s got cancer and all of a sudden her celebrity, her voice and her opinion should be heard….like she’s got something to say…when she doesn’t…she’s a fucking actor not an educated, trained anything…maybe she should save the opinions for experts while sticking to titty pics/videos for IG…where she clearly feels at home doing…

Posted in:SFW|Shailene Woodley