Shay Mitchell is pregnant with some guy I bought dinner for once…True Story. Google it. Canadian connection. We all know each other…but I don’t know this one…
She’s decided to wear diapers, probably getting paid by the diaper company to wear the diapers, maybe just making a viral video for her youtube, or maybe just being overly honest with her fans about the fact that she likes sitting in her own piss during her pregnancy, cuz she’s a lazy fucking rich kid, totally fucking coddled and this is what they do….wait for the opportunity to wear diapers again cuz they aren’t spoiled enough.
It’s revolting to me, but probably hot to you…diaper fetish…pregnant pissing herself fetish you weird fuck….
We live in an era of everyone sharing all their inner most secrets, all their gross quirks in attempts to normalize it, to be “real” even though they are all fake as fuck, look at the face…shit ain’t normal…
She’s a clever actor turned social media personality with the face injections….who managed to figure out there’s more to acting and that is branching out and focusing on social media / youtube / as the money is on social….Then she’s got product lines and shit to sell to her fans….
She started out rich and spoiled in West Vancouver, an immigrant in private schools before getting on Degrassi… so it’s been an easy ride, and once you get that following thanks to pretty little lies, then she faked her way into becoming an influencer but I appreciate the hustle…cuz I don’t belive in hustling…but this isn’t about her…it is about her diapers…what the fuck.
Here is the full video..
Heres her pussy flash

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell