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I Just Want to Fucking Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Here’s some Jeff Bridges looking motherfucker who got up on stage and started to dance, only for the mall cops to stop him, because like the movie Footloose, they ban all things fun and human from the stages of their shityt mall….and shit ends in some hand to hand combat our dancing friend who just wants to dance loses…and the sad thing in all this is the kids recording thing the drunk bum is the idiot…not that cops…society has brain washed the youth and it’s bad…if the mall got up and danced with this motherfucker, the cops wouldn’t be able to shut it down, and maybe, just maybe there would be a slice of happy left in the cake that is our miserable existence…RIP Fun…

Some Bitch with Road Rage…who is clearly hopped up on meds like the rest of the world…

Some Thieves…doing thief things…

Posted in:Videos