I'll Make You Famous…




Anna Kendrick Creeps Me Out in Elle July of the Day

I do not find Anna Kendrick hot. I am sure she’s a nice girl, basking in her success, booking other huge movies because she’s got “talent”, even though I don’t think anyone who acts has actual talent, they just have egos and aren’t afraid of looking like assholes while playing make belief and they get paid stupid money for it, while normal people are like “you want me to say that, dance around, while you watch, are you fucking joking, that’s some circus clown shit, do I look like a circus clown”…before punching the director, or if you’re a girl charging him for sexual harassment..

That said, she’s got no sex appeal, I can’t take any movies she’s in seriously when there’s an underlying love story, and there always is…because no guy would be that into that, it’d be more of a relationship of convenience, like “she was around, kept pursuing me, I was really into my video game, so went along with it”….but then I remember that ugly girls get pussy always…guys are desperate losers blinded by tits…but that doesn’t mean I can take her modelling sexy seriously…and I won’t…and I am sure she cares about my approval as she counts her money and her tens of thousands of fans tell her how great she is..

Here she is in Elle..

Posted in:Anna Kendrick