I'll Make You Famous…




Madonna’s Vagina Panty Selfie of the Day

I think we can all agree that Madonna is disgusting. Even Terrifying.

With her muscular vagina that has been worked so hard over the last 3.5 decades of fucking hard to make 100s of millions of dollars.

A vagina she apparently decided to selfie in panties just to show how resilient that fucking thing is…

You know in a “Hey fucker, my fuck hole that got me here is still alive, and can squat 215″….kind of way.

She’s 60. Forgetting she’s 60. This is weird. But not as weird as knowing that in the 80s. I was all about her slutty for pop music even though she couldn’t sing hustle. It paved the way for so many aspiring sluts to embrace being a slut and I’ll never slut shame a slut…I need sluts to survive…I’ll just call them out on it and only eat them out through plastic bags…I have enough problems without having to deal with cold sores…

All this to say, I am all for freaky 60 year olds, I just don’t really want to see them in action. It’s like keep that shit to yourself, we don’t like how it looks or smells. Hang those leather and lace things up, or keep them for your own personal use. Don’t make it public. Seriously. We get it, you fuck, you’re a freak, no one wants to see it.

Posted in:Madonna