I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner’s New Shitty Topless Pic of the Day

Kendall Jenner is hustling the strategic nudes hard. I just posted one of her strategic nudes that I can assume her mom paid to get into a book of Victoria’s Secret models nude, even though she isn’t a Victoria’s Secret model, but will be one because of the persistence of her mother and their team and her star power and fan base will just get one casting person to throw away quality and go for the hits…and I really couldn’t care less if the sweatshop, overpriced, shitty quality lingerie casts her or not, it’s all a scam anyway, I just care that her strategic nudes her parents are paying for are not her getting railed unprotected by black dudes like her sister. It’s like this family once offered the world something semi interesting, and now they are just so corporate and mainstream with their whoring. Fame has changed them…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner