I'll Make You Famous…




Emily Ratajkowski Deleted Instagram Pic of the Day

Apparently, Emily Ratajkowski posted this to her instagram and then deleted it, because of the nipples…as instagram doesn’t allow nipples, but rather encourages you and everyone you know to use their nonsense free of charge in exchange for making them all a bunch of fucking billionaires…something you’d think they’d thank you for…by letting you post whatever the fuck you want…but instead that they control and regulate like the hall monitor at your high school so that they can further monetize your hard work and intellectual property….because we are all a bunch of suckers…that’s why they are rich and we’re pathetic…

That said, follow me on INSTAGRAM ….

An account Emily Ratajkowski has blocked because she doesn’t like me…so I have no idea if this is her or not, I’m can’t see any of it…but if you want to see her naked…google.

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski