I'll Make You Famous…




#BootyFlipCup is the Dumbest Thing of the DAy

#BootyFlipCup or #BootyCupFlip is a social media trend to remind us that people are very fucking bored in their lives, but more importantly people are getting more and more slutty, because the fact that people have a mob mentality and follow the crowds and navigate their existence based on what their social gathering, their social network, the people in their lives determine for them..it’s called social norms and this isn’t a sociology class…if you have left your house, or been to an event, you’ll see how the same everyone is – all while claiming to be independent artists thinkers…

So the newest or dumbest trend is this…like the Ice Bucket Challenge, or the ones where kids end up injured from being taped to walls or some shit…or FREE THE NIPPLE – the best scam created b y a dude – and it’s hard to complain about, like the snapchat tongue filter…I like seeing girls balancing things on their asses…I am basic like that…


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