I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Amanda Bynes Big Nipples

The problem most girls going through puberty deal with is puffy nipples. It’s like the estrogen or some shit turns those fuckers into padded, oversized saucers that throw off the whole tit dynamic. I think it’s cuz the nipple develops first or some shit, but I am not a doctor, but if I was a doctor, I would consider being a teenage girl nipple consultant. The point of this is that this girls got some weird shit going on in her dress, I can only hope it’s something she grows out of, cuz otherwise, she won’t get casted in all the topless movies we have planned for her, unless it for some freaky puffy nipple fetish site, which I would be more than happy to start, not cuz of Bynes, for all the teenage girls out there to not feel alone. Puberty is such a sensitive time. I am here for you.

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