I told a friend of mine yesterday that the first sign of HIV infection is when you get a cold/flu after banging someone raw dog. My friend was feeling like shit and I am an asshole who likes freaking people out. It worked and he starts flipping the fuck out and I keep up the AIDS jokes saying shit like in 10 years everyone will have AIDs and those people will all idolize you for being in the game since ’06. I kept going and needless to say he is no longer my friend.
I would say a big reason everyone who is 25 and under fears AIDS is because of KIDS where this slag Chloe Sevigny already infected, lets Casper slam her raw dog. I know she was drugged, but point is that she shouldn’t have been wearing a skirt. By the looks of her, it seems like she really did get hivies on the set. It’s been 10 or 11 years and she is still with the same boyfriend, which is what happens when you have HIV, it’s kinda hard to venture out and find new cunt. Here are pics of her doing some moderate exercise, it is probably good for her immune system.
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