I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Ashlee Simpson's Boyfriend is Bi-Sexual of the Day


Have you ever heard of the AIDS virus? It’s some fucked up shit that spread in the Gay community in the 80s. The Gay community of the 80s was about 10 percent actual out of closet fags who were hair dressers and fashion designers another 10 percent of them were dudes who thought they were chicks or dressed like chicks and the 80 percent that were a mix of married men with normal jobs and normal families and secretly ventured out at night to fuck other men in back alleys and bisexual weirdos who were into art, fashion and cocaine. Part of the allure of being so bad was to bareback and next thing you know AIDS hits the straight community. If you’re wondering why I know this, it’s not because I am gay,but because I knew a lot of seedy fags in the 80s, because they used to have the best drugs and always knew slutty fag hags.

Either way, I made a point of never slamming a chick who had slammed a bisexual dude because I knew bisexual dudes got their dicks all AIDSed up doing what they do.

Unfortunately, every EMO kid is swings both fucking ways nowadays and there are less straight people in the world than there used to be and getting with any chick probably means she’s fucked a bi somewhere down the line because those greedy fucks want the best of both worlds and the whole Gay is trendy movement, but that doesn’t change the fact that Ashlee Simpson is officially on my blacklist and you should watch out for her, Baptists with Bi boyfriends are at high risk.

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