I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Cheryl Tweedy Cole’s Hot Tits Performing of the Day


Here are some Cheryl Tweedy Cole pictures celebrating AIDS with Elton John, because it seems like gays are all about AIDS, you know with their charities and use of condoms at their huge gay sauna orgies, like they were living in Africa or some shit. Not that I know what happens in Africa or in Gay Orgies, but I have had my share of unprotected sex and spent 3 years thinking I had AIDS and telling girls I had it in hopes of getting some sympathy sex, but it kinda worked against me.

This is the kind of girl who you’d probably be happy getting AIDS from, not because it’s something that you could use to remember that special night for the rest of your life, because slamming this kind of chick would really be a fuckin’ miracle for you, or because anyone’s really worth the suffering, but because of all the free shit you’d get from the Make a Wish Foundation, so in a lot of ways getting AIDS is like winning the lottery.

Gay people generally don’t like me, because whenever I meet them I ask them if they mind if I call them HIV because statistics tell me they’ve got it and I am not good at remembering names, but I am good at remembering people with HIV, but then again, no one really likes me, so it’s probably got nothing to do with the nicknames I give them.

Either way, look at Cheryl Tweedy Cole performing, cuz there’s nothing much hotter than a hot chick on the mic performing, not even AIDS.

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