I'll Make You Famous…




Courtney Cox Ass Crack Flash of the Day

This picture of Courtney Cox’s ass on the bikini is bringing me flashbacks of when I used to change diapers at the old folks home as a volunteer, only not as hot because they are in picture and not in my mouth, if you know what I mean.

Let me just say I never discriminate based on age because older chicks are pretty fuckin’ easy, especially if they have Dementia, Alzheimer’s or suffered a stroke, it makes pretending that you are their dead husband or long lost love or some shit a whole lot easier and they always believe it because they are old and all fucked up in the head. Unfortunately the old folks home doesn’t appreciate it as much as your penis will and may ask you to to never come back and even possibly press charges, but it is a risk you may want to take. Since you’re not getting pussy anywhere else.

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