I'll Make You Famous…




Amy Winehouse Shows Some Bush of the Day

Everyone gives Amy Winehouse a hard time about having disgusting teeth, disgusting hair and pretty much disgusting everything. They think she doesn’t wash, they think she’s just given up, but when lookin’ at these pictures of her bush slowly growing in, it looks like something that’s barely been neglected for that long. I know bitches who are hairier than this who wax once a week and I know bitches who never shave or wax and look like they have a pillow in their panties, a very crusty, smelly pillow, but a pillow none the less. The point is that this skinny, dying, walking corpse’s pubic hair is a serious turn on, especially in a world where bush is pretty much going extinct because girls claim they don’t like how it feels but in reality think that guys hate bush and are just trying to please us, when guys would really fuck anything thrown there way, and sometimes even pay for it from bitches on street corners who look like Winehouse. I am in love.

Posted in:Amy Winehouse|Bush