I'll Make You Famous…




Kid Rock is a Racist Pussy of the Day

Do remember when Kid Rock’s novelty was that midget dude on his first song, those were the glory days of his career as a joke, and I always got a kick out of seeing them perform, not because the music was good, but because I couldn’t believe a record company invested in that garbage. Since then he’s gone off to get with and impregnate Pam Anderson which means he also landed Hep, he’s also managed to maintain this lame trashy southern redneck trailer park image of a drug using, hard drinking, stripper fucking loser, despite being from Detroit and recently he went on to beat up a black dude in a Waffle House, if you can really call this shit beating up someone because when you have security/ a gang of massive goons who have his back it’s more like just a self esteem boost that allows him to mimic being tough.

It reminds me of the time a club owner beat me up for calling him a rockstar as he walked into the VIP room, he came back and told me to not call him a rockstar and when he walked away to go back into the VIP room, I called him a Rockstar again. He proceeded to pound my fucking face in, while I laughed because I was fucking wasted and couldn’t really stand up or fight back and took it like a bit of a bitch, but not as much of a bitch as a dude who had his 3 bouncers pinning a drunken me the fuck down. Either way, when he was done, I was missing a tooth and I was bleeding everywhere, I looked up at the motherfucker and said “See, you just proved that you think you’re a fuckin’ rockstar and now you have AIDS” pointing at his blood covered hands. Dude went off on my face for another round. After he was done, I sobered up a bit, found my drug dealing friend to do some damage, because I don’t like fighting and dude had a gun and figured it’d make for a good scare, but when he walked into the VIP room the club owner was in, the drug dealer realized the guy ran the place and the guy also had 6 goons protecting him, because the truth is dude was about 5 foot 6 and 150 lbs and too pussy to really defend himself. It’s like having money allows guys who deserve to get their asses beat to feel like they are tough.

Either way, his new Sweet Home Alabama song annoys me, it is as shitty as everything else about him and his try hard ways, even the fact he’s beating up black dudes makes me think he is just doing it in attempts to connect with his fans, because the only people who can relate to his music are people who burn crosses on front lawns and tie negros to their trucks and drag them around the block while drinkin’ cheap beer, beating up women and gang raping fags to teach them why faggot sex is bad and impregnating cousins. The truth is that the black dude he’s fighting is just a paid actor.

Posted in:kid rock|Racist