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Leona Lewis and Her Cleavage of the Day

Leona Lewis is that girl who sings about sex on her period .

And like a virgin at the mall with buying Magic Cards with my buddies only to be destracted when a big titty girl and her friends walk by in their low cut shirts, I’ve just turned my site into a place that gets excited when a chubby singer shows off some cleavage, and that depresses me.

Nothing makes me feel more pathetic than when I do these desperate posts about cleavage because I have nothing else to talk about, because cleavage is about as PG as shit gets and if you have a capacity to get off to the shit, like I have the capacity to write about the shit, like it really is a fuckin’ big deal, you are as worthless as mine and we should kill ourselves in some kind of ritual that makes people think we were a cult, when really we were just sexually frustrated with lives that suck.

Girls rock cleavage every fucking day, as they fucking should, so noticing it isn’t really a big deal, we’re dudes, we’re supposed to, but making a big deal about the shit, like taking a picture or making a post, or even high fiving your loser friends with boners in your pants is just not cool.

Posted in:cleavage|Leona Lewis