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Pregnant Anna Kournikova Ass of the Day

Anna Kournikova is pregnant, so these may be some of the last pictures of her ass you can comfortably jerk off to without thinking off all the shit that’s been passing through it, because she’s eating for two now,or before she wrecks herself and by herself I mean her birth canel and young tight body, like the bulldog I ran into on the street with the droopiest vagina in the world, I’m talking dog lip draggin on the pavement behind the fuckin’t thing had 2 litters naturally, when usually bulldogs do C-Sections, not that I am a vet, but because I had to ask the dude why his dog’s pussy looked like that and whether I should call the PETA because motherfucker was doing impure things to it at night…

Either way, there will alway be people willing to jerk off to her, because some people love pregnant chicks, so I guess for them, this isn’t the end, it is the beginning….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Anna Kournikova|Ass