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Ivanka Trump and Her TIts of the Day

Recently Jewish Ivanka Trump annoys me. I remember seeing her in an interview and she was asked her if she was converting to Jew and she said something along the lines of wanting to keep her personal life and decisions private.
I guess taking your ass to an interview on TV would make us think that you don’t want to keep your personal life and decisions private, but that you want the world to listen to what your ass has to say, making me realize that she and by default the book she wrote is just a whole lot of boring. I figure if you want to be on TV and in the limelight, you need to give up your fucking private life, it’s the tradeoff but she is boring….

The truth is that she is so boring, her idea of dirt or too much information about her private life is telling us about how she fell in love with an orthodox jew and his family’s real estate empire that puts her dad’s real estate empire to shame which isn’t saying much because he’s just flash and lights and not an actual success, so she converted to judaism. In her boring world, that is so scandalous and private cuz she’s fucking boring. I want to hear about cocaine parties with daddy’s money, orgies and the first time she took dick in her ass. I don’t care about her fuckin square bullshit….
Here is Ivanka keeping shit boring at her boring book signing and if you don’t believe me when I say she’s boring, just look at the way she treats her fat tits by choking them out with a turtleneck because she’s boring….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Ivanka Trump|Tits