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stepNEWS of the Day

Sure the highlight in the news world today has to do with big oil corporations pretty much destroying human existance and no one doing anything about it, the fact that Gary Coleman’s wife killed him, maybe the fact that dude who got off for killing that American teen in Aruba 5 years ago confessed to another murder they could have prevented if he was behind bars, or even the Israel getting in trouble for killing terrorists cuz the terrorists pretended they were on a peaceful relief mission, but there is video of them beating the Israeli army, while USA kills terrorists all day and get rewarded…. but I prefer the local stories..of idiots doing stupidities that end up getting covered ont he local level…and here are today’s picks…I like to call the Good Parent Edition….

Illinois 12 Year-Old Found with FL Man She Met on Facebook

11 Year-Old Chained to Bed in Indiana
An Indiana mother chained her daughter to a bed while she went to work cuz it is cheaper than a babysitter

Caught on video: little kid drinking beer at ball game
A youngster was caught sipping a beer a Philadelphia Phillies game.

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