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stepNEWS of the Day

It turns out that even if I ignore the news, stupid shit still happens. It’s like turning a blind eye to retards, not actual retards, but people who act like actual retards, but are accepted in society as our equals, will continue to go on…It’s like the number one American natural resource or export….you stupid, ignorant, uneducated, inbred, Walmart shopping, hicks….no offense…cuz trust me, I know there’s idiots everywhere…it’s an international thing…how exclusive…

Caught on Tape: Racehorse jumps into crowd
Two people have suspected serious spinal injuries after a horse rampaged through a crowd of spectators at a race meeting in Australia, the Herald Sun reported Thursday.

Nobody cared about this woman
A 65-year-old woman training for a half marathon fell and was seriously hurt along a busy road in Garland. Despite her obvious trama, no one stopped to help her for some time.

‘SlutWalks’ Sends Provocative Message
This social movement really gets around.

Man Arrested In Craigslist Rent Scam
A man named Samuel Ferraro was in police custody Friday night in connection with what they say is a Craigslist scheme.

Beating Near Old City Bar Caught On Tape
Cameras were rolling when a group of people beat up a man outside a Philadelphia bar.

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