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Leighton Meester Wedding Fetish of the Day

I wonder if Leighton Meester likes being in wedding fetish videos today than her foot fetish videos that got her started in this acting career….cuz you know at least one person is getting off to her in this wedding dress, like at least one person got off to her in her bootleg underground foot fetish videos when she was trying to make ends meet in New York, as a daughter of a criminal just trying to get ahead…and you also know at least one person is getting off to the fact that her getting married on Gossip Girl means the end of Gossip girl…Leaving Blake Lively out of work and forced to fuck famous dudes for room and board…oh right she already is….but this isn’t about Blake Lively, who always rains on Leighton Meeter’s parade…It’s about Leighton Meester and the wedding dress, cuz some guys get off to married or engaged girls, maybe cuz it means no commitment for them, maybe cuz they like the challenge, maybe cuz they hate the institution of marriage and want to prove a point that all girls are sluts, even with a ring on it, despite the life lessons Beyonce has taught us….and while you ponder that…here are the Leighton pics…

Posted in:Leighton Meester