I’ve been posting randomly on Leilani Dowding for a pretty long time….She was Miss Great Britain 1998 and has since 1998 become a bit of an attention whore for the paparzzi…from getting half naked, being topless, doing that whole thing, to these pics of her struggling with her bikini….poor girl…I wish someone like me was there to help her by either eating it off her with my mouth…or you know being a hero….even if this was all part of a bullshit plan to get noticed…it is always a bullshit plan to get noticed…a bullshit plan I’ve seen so many times before that it isn’t inspiring but it is the kind of bullshit I have no choice but to support since the world is full of bullshit everywhere we look….if it all involved half naked girls…the bullshit wouldn’t really see to fucking matter…if you know what I mean…
To See the Rest of the Pics
Posted in:Leilani Dowding