I'll Make You Famous…




Oona Chaplin Naked in Game of Thrones of the Day

Oona Chaplin is in Game of Thrones…a show I refuse to watch because it is nerd shit and more importantly…it isn’t Dirty Dancing…a movie I tried to watch once a week to really try to help my autism understand what love is…not that I’m autistic, but I have found that saying I am has been really helpful in justifying my creepy, souless internet behavior…and girls all wanna try to fix me and breast feed me better…..it is like ailments make pussy wet…

That said, as you probably figured out, if you’re not a total retard, she’s related to that Communist with the Hitler Moustache, despite being Jewish, cuz maybe the Hitler moustache was a fashionable thing, before hitler ruined it for generations of people who wanted to rock one…..and here she is trying to become her own legendary figure….by using her figure….I’m so clever it burns when I pee…at least I blame it on my cleverness everytime I’m trying to convince a bitch to get down unprotected….

Posted in:Oona Chaplin