I'll Make You Famous…




Lucy Pinder is a Busty Christmas Gift in NUTS of the Day

Lucy Pinder’s tits won’t be under your Christmas Tree….but if you’re looking for gifts you can always check out the VERY MERRY STEPFATHER GIFT GUIDE ….we got tits of our own in there…and awesome gifts…that make endorsing a magazine’s busty model on her comeback tour for some magazine seem counter productive…when our own thing is so much better…I mean shit, Lucy Pinder is alright, her tits huge, dressed and wrapped up like Santa’s wet dream, the reason he comes on his red suite but OUR MODELS ARE BETTER>….and sure I may be saying that cuz they let me grab their tits and ass, or cuz they have sex and masturbate in porn and their own sites, while Lucy Pinder is too cool for me…and what it comes down to is tis the season of goodwill towards men, givivng and spending time with those you love….and there’s enough room in my stalking for all kinds of tits…if you know what I mean….

Posted in:Lucy Pinder