I'll Make You Famous…




Mara Teigen is Chrissy Teigen’s Better Looking Sister of the Day

If you read this site, you will know that Chrissy Teigen, who was once a huge fan of the site, has turned on me in the last few months, and hates me and the site…not because some repressed memory of how I molested her as a child came to surface in some therapy session, because no one cared enough to notice the bus driver touching the ethnic girl in Orange County…but because I called her pug face…while mocking the fact that she was a low level bikini model, who committed to an up and coming musician, who in the end made it and she feels accountable for, and now 50 percent of his success is officially hers thanks to marriage…You know the kind of gold digging scam, who got into Sports Illustrated, where she didn’t get paid, but got an ego boost…because her husband makes enough money for everyone…

Well she has a younger, hotter sister, who isn’t pug faced or annoying, and these are her instagram pics..

Her name is Mara Teigen, let’s make her more famous than her sister, so that her sister realizes her plan has been foiled…and that she’s the second rate family member who was lucky enough to find a rich and connected man…

Posted in:Mara Teigen